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Dec-14-2011 11:58printcomments

A View of the State of Working Oregon: The Economy and Income Inequality

The charts in this document show, among other things: how the income of Oregon's top 1 percent has soared, while median income has eroded...

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(SILVERTON, Ore.) - OCPP has published two installments of A View of the State of Working Oregon, a series of occasional OCPP fact sheets issued to help explain Oregon's economy from the perspective of working families.

See If Economic Growth Assured Well-Being, Oregonians Would be Thriving. The charts in this document show how, relative to the rest of the nation, Oregon's economy has performed exceptionally well for over a decade. The charts show, for example:

  • how Oregon's economy has significantly outpaced the U.S. economy;
  • how Oregon's economic growth has topped nearly all states;
  • how Oregon's economy has excelled even when adjusting for changes in population.

See Economic Gains Flow to the Top as Oregon Income Inequality Soars. The charts in this document show, among other things:

  • how the income of Oregon's top 1 percent has soared, while median income has eroded;
  • how Oregon's top one-tenth of 1 percent had income gains that dwarf the rest of the top 1 percent's gains; and
  • how big a slice of capital gains income goes to the top 1 percent and the top one-tenth of 1 percent.

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Anonymous December 15, 2011 9:36 am (Pacific time)

OCCP.. lol....I did click the links, that is why I said stay away from economics...Did YOU read the link? They give charts, but dont give you where they got the info...WHEN ARE PEOPLE GOING TO WAKE UP TO THE DECEPTION???? People let OTHERS do their research for them, the OTHERS have always been wrong, but people keep listening? Its becoming beyond my comprehension. OCCP tells me NOTHING, they pick and choose just like most other pundit organizations that were trained in the keynes indoctrination centers they call universities. They give NO info on where they got this info...NONE. 2 plus 2 doesnt equal 4 to these people anymore, but a RUDE awakening is on the horizon..BECAUSE 2 + 2 DOES equal 4, no matter what the indoctrinated universities say. People best prepare. I can tell ya what is coming. The continual drip...drip..drip...of collapsing the economy, and taking our civil liberties away...While, at the same time, we will get articles about how great the economy is, and we will be swarmed with articles about how its best the government help you, articles such as "its fun to be homeless" or "how to live on 20 dollars a week", or, "Jesus was poor" etc. While the bankers party. Scientific social engineering has been going on for 100 years, and nobody even cares that we have been guinea pigs to the bankers. You do know the bankers started the womens lib movement dont ya? More taxes coming in, and with both parents working, they own your kids from morning to night...The indoctrination camps by day, and the banker owned television by night... Wake up please!

Anonymous December 14, 2011 3:54 pm (Pacific time)

may I add...I highly suggest salem-news stay away from economics...I agree with the israel being yucky, and so forth, but please Tim King, stay away from economics. You have NO clue.

Editor: I can tell you didn't click the links, click the links!  It is true, I can't explain it, beyond what I gleaned from reading the associated material, but the data is accurate and it is 100% from the OCPP and when you look into the linked pages, it will make a lot more sense to you.    

Anonymous December 14, 2011 3:41 pm (Pacific time)

please tell me this was satire.

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