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Jan-06-2008 13:43printcomments

Obama vs O'Reilly: Round One (VIDEO)

O'Reilly is accused of shoving an Obama staffer and the pundit admits insulting the man's mother.
Was Obama staffer Marvin Nicholson assaulted by Bill O'Reilly?

(NASHUA, N.H.) - A number of bloggers are increasingly contacting to update us on the latest Internet buzz. The word today is a possible shoving match between FOX News' Bill O'Reilly and the man responsible for the security of one of the nation's first black Presidential Candidates.

What really happened? Did O'Reilly actually push someone? Was it even an "incident" as FOX has described it?

In all honesty, you couldn't find two well known Americans who stand at more opposing positions than these two. Senator Barack Obama represents the face of radical change and an end to the war in Iraq. He promises to bring back policies that benefit people and causes that O'Reilly doesn't necessarily fight for. This all happened at an event for Obama in Nashua.

Those who were in attendance say O'Reilly took many single finger salutes and a bit of general harassment from the Democrats in attendance, but he waited for his chance to ask Obama a question.

The "O'Reilly Factor" host says he almost didn't get to ask the question because an Obama staffer named Marvin Nicholson blocked the view of the FOX News camera. That is when O'Reilly admits calling Nicholson a "SOB".

The clip of the incident below is from CSPAN. O'Reilly says he is saving the video that his crew shot of the shouting match with Nicholson for his Monday show.

It is reported that the Secret Service told O'Reilly to calm down at one point.

The FOX network smeared Obama early on in the primary process, and the candidate has closed the door to O'Reilly for the most part. One insider speculated that the only way Bill O'Reilly figured he’d have a chance to ask Obama to come on his show was to force his way in.

The FOX host stood in a fairly unpopulated part of the room at first. Once he was spotted the Obama staffers reportedly began to huddle. Three policemen showed up, too. One of them stood in front of O'Reilly until the talk show host asked him to move.

That is when Obama's staffer Marvin Nicholson took up the same post the policeman had stood, in front of the Fox camera.

O'Reilly yelled, "You're blocking our shot."

At that point Nicholson reportedly said, "Oh, am I?"

"At events like these, staffers block certain people and are sometimes accused of being too aggressive. Most of the time, the standard thing to do is give them a little business and then move to another spot. O'Reilly didn't do this," says Slate's John Dickerson.

"He shoved the Obama aide. There was an exchange and a little more shoving. I didn't fully capture because as I looked at O'Reilly in his black leather Fox jacket, which resembled the kind we wore during football season in high school, I swore I could hear him challenge the staffer to a rumble out by the drive-in."

"That's really low class, pal," said O'Reilly.

And when Barack Obama passed, he looked like he was headed for the door but stopped to talk to the Fox host. The video shows that the conversation was short. O'Reilly did not seem to be causing the commotion in the national interest, and he even sounds cordial as he talks to Obama.

That is when O'Reilly made a personal appeal to Obama to get him on his show. "We like you," he said to Obama a few minutes after "the incident".

We publish, you decide...

Special thanks for the video clips to FOX News, CSPAN and YouTube.

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Neal Feldman January 7, 2008 4:22 pm (Pacific time)

Jefferson - As usual for you as a cowardly net.troll you present nothing of relevance or legitimacy just ill-conceived potshots. You keep claiming you have all this relevant life experience yet are to cowardly to substantiate any of your claims. And your infantile name games shows the intellectual level you operate on (nearly nonexistent). Hillary has much more relevant life experience than pretty much any of the othe contenders on either side. I'm not too enamored of her support for the Iraq war which I opposed from the first of Shrub's dishonest drumbeats. I knew cherrypicked data when I saw it and the lies were obvious to anyone who was paying attention. I have been consistently outraged by the inappropriately named USA PATRIOT Act (that has nothing to do with patriotism, it is an acronym for a constitution shredding power grab) and have long held it against any and all who voted for it fully knowing they had never had a chance to read it. But they wanted to seem patriotic and would do any stupid move to that end (such as the ludicrous Freedom Fries BS). But no matter who wins in the primaries the GoP has a snowball's chance at the sun's core of winning the white house and they know it. They are trying to figure out how to not be completely swepot from the halls of power and locked out for 50 years. Ask any honest person who knows the facts and they will tell you the GOP knows it is going to be bad but not how bad it will be and they are scared spitless. But you just keep on with your sophistry, delusions, dishonesty, ignorance and desperate rhetoric. I guess it is all you can do to keep playing on the deck of the GOP Titanic as it goes down. Ah well...

Henry Ruark January 7, 2008 1:41 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Not "foreign" but "studied" via long writing/reporting experience, work with others, research by such as those two named. Might add Chomsky, Pinter,amd at least ten other cognitive scientists, whose work points up mind patterns, emotional aspects and impacts, all showing that inbuilt, work-driven concepts of real difficulties with "objectivity" do in fact exist, and in many cases even futilize otherwise good work via the "on the other hand" demand, used by neocons as weapon to weaken and attack all work to which they can so point --as observed in depth right here.

Jefferson January 7, 2008 12:21 pm (Pacific time)

Henry/SFI I can certainly see where "objective" would be a foreign concept to you. Suffice feldman, the issue of war is not an issue the loser lefties' like Chillary and Obama will spend much time dwelling on. What their primary focus will be is quite simple, like you they have no real pertinent life experience so they will avoid discussing issues in much depth, a trait you seem to be especially good at. LOL

Henry Ruark January 7, 2008 11:44 am (Pacific time)

Apologies for inadvertent retreat in to "anon"-treehug. Mine is first one. "Objective" journalist is anomaly; everyone writes from own particular capture-trap built by life, and all working communications must overcome bars and barriers to get words honestly to others. "Objectivity" here is simple neocon seduction to built the "on the other hand" approach, to offset realities when set into place for all to see. Sorry not to cite on this main point, but two I seek and didn't find are Molly Ivins, and current dean of journalism school famous for own career. File-culling now at "God Help US All" stage, may not survive, but "see with own eyes" and "use own brain" will for sure...

Neal Feldman January 7, 2008 10:19 am (Pacific time)

Jefferson - Ah the fevered dreams of the delusional neocon ranter. It is the GOP and conservatives who are clearly on the run. See 2006 election as the tip of the iceberg for the next decade or so. And the new paradigm is "It's the war, stupid!" I am not enamored of the policies on illegals from most of the dems but the GoPhers support of the war will be what sinks them. Any support for the policies of shrub will doom them. And your three states tops comment shows clearly how delusional you are. The sad and pathetic thing is that you seem to actually believe the BS you spew which only further qualifies you for the position of fool. Ah well...

Neal Feldman January 7, 2008 10:12 am (Pacific time)

Yeah I'll bet O'Reilly will show everything. Like heck. He will just show what makes him look like a victim and anything that makes the staffer look bad. Editing can work wonders and he knows it. Ah well...

Jefferson January 7, 2008 8:31 am (Pacific time)

What I would like to see, and I believe most responsible voters also, is to see Obama sit down with a top notch objective journalist(s) and answer some "real" questions about his projected policies and his past associations with some rather questionable individuals and organizations. Most people know this O'reilly is an ego-maniac, but he and the Fox Network do point out that Obama does avoid the hard venues. His position on illegal immigration(he is an open-border moron as well as Chillary), will prevent him from winning more than 3 states tops. What you are witnessing people, is the end of the far left's control of the democratic party, maybe even the end of it, for the independent voter and republican base is growing. The Republicans showed growth and the dems showed a diminished registration in December. Yeah I think America may come back quicker that I thought! 2008 may be a very good year for freedom!

Anonymous January 7, 2008 6:39 am (Pacific time)

To all: No question here re ID, responsibility OR credibility. Past record with O'Reilly guarantees viewers know fully from whence he cometh. Aide was doing what aides are intended, trained,and now required to do. Per Slate's Dickerson, then O'Reilly discarded standing custom and rule, known to all involved, got really and personally "confrontational". Reminds me of situations here recently when "attack" was paramount, desired, set up purposely, and reveals both intent and ongoing purposes of celebrity news-purveyor whose paramount interest is in more and similar incident to sell ratings and ads. Your approach here, Tim, "right on" to provide video for viewing and "see with own eyes" evaluation. That ought to prove up our standard S-N approach here, offsetting allathat malarkey from malign interests who never, ever seek anything but "Listen to ME ! Let ME think for YOU !"

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