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Nov-22-2007 07:45printcomments

Escaped Killer Located by Portland Police

Christopher Walker has been in the State Hospital in Salem since January 1989 for the fatal stabbing of his girlfriend.

Christopher Walker
Christopher Walker

(PORTLAND, Ore. ) - A 46-year-old psychiatric patient serving time for two counts of Murder who escaped from his state escort yesterday has been found by Portland police.

Christopher Walker was located by police walking near northeast Mallory Ave and northeast Beech Street. Police say he tried to run when officers found him, but he was caught and taken into custody.

Walker was admitted to the hospital on January 10th, 1989 as a forensic commitment on a conviction of two counts of murder from Multnomah County.

He was on a day pass from the Oregon State Hospital in Salem for a afternoon only supervised visit with his mother.

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Skipper Osborne November 24, 2007 8:29 am (Pacific time)

It is apparent to me that Oregon State Hospital is not doing there job. Anyone with a conviction of two counts of murder, and have been in state mental health custody since January 10, 1989; damn! They are obviously still a threat to society.

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