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Salem-News.com (Jul-10-2014 11:48)

New York Man Drowns at Popular Mid-Valley Swimming Spot

Scotts Mills Park is a Marion County park located 23 miles east of Salem.

(SCOTTS MILLS, Ore. ) - Scotts Mills Park Swimming Hole The Marion County Sheriff's Office has identified the man who tragically drowned at a popular swimming hole at Scotts Mills Park on Tuesday.

30-year-old Ralph Johnson III from New York had recently moved to the Portland area.

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Salem-News.com (May-06-2014 20:47)

911 Was an Inside Job ``Impossible to Conceal,`` - Vladimir Putin

First published by RT in 2011 during less tense times, this article and associated video offer keen insight into what some call, the greatest American deception...

(MOSCOW RT) - WTC 7 Claims that the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were orchestrated by US intelligence agencies are "complete nonsense," Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told attendees of a youth forum.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-11-2014 19:00)

Sanctification of the 9/11 Narrative

In our generation, it is the pious sanctification of the 9/11 who dunnit narrative now in brazen progress.

(LOS ANGELES) - Barack Obama "Holocaust denial is illegal in only 17 countries, most of which are in Europe ... So though the actual number of countries that have criminalized revisionist history isn’t overwhelming by any means, the importance of the outlawing is. Because of it, history is still held hostage to power."

The last sentence in the statement above by American rebel extraordinaire of Indian origin, Lila Rajiva.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-05-2014 17:05)

911 Family Victim Wants Answers, Runs Brighton Marathon

Matt Campbell is running the Brighton marathon tomorrow with a high profile T Shirt with the logo "911: Inside Job?" to draw attention to his questions.

(LONDON) - Brighton Marathon Matt Campbell lost his brother in the 911 attacks and as a family member was briefly feted in New York in the aftermath.

Bur since then doubts have circulated ever more widely about the official 911 story and Matt has some questions he would like the authorities to answer.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-22-2014 18:01)

Why is New York`s Mayor - A Self-Proclaimed ``Progressive`` - Challenging School Choice for Minorities and the Poor?

Giving poor and minority students a choice of where to go to school----a choice which more affluent students already have---should be a natural cause for a "progressive" like Bill de Blasio to embrace.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Bill de Blasio New York City's mayor, William De Blasio, repeatedly tells us that he is a "progressive," committed to making life better for minorities and the poor.

Yet, ever since coming to office in January, he has launched a crusade against a vehicle which has the ability to rescue poor and minority children from failing public schools.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-02-2014 23:56)

Syria: The Crime and the Criminals

Video examines tragic evolution of the western effort to strike liberties and earn endless billions for the deadly defence industry.

(BANGKOK) - Syria flag with blood The Syrian civil war, insurrection, rebellion, revolt, uprising, call it what you will, was not home grown in Syria by Syrians with differing outlooks as to how their nation should be governed.

This is what the mainstream media would have you believe — that it was part of a strategy pre-planned by vicious, sociopathic foreigners called “Neocons” and they began their planning in 1991...

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Salem-News.com (Feb-03-2014 17:55)

9/11 Truth Coach Wins Super Bowl

On Sunday, 9/11 truth supporters gathered in living rooms and public houses all over America to cheer for coach Carroll’s Seattle Seahawks.

(SUNDANCE, Wyoming) - Seahawks coach Pete Carroll Since 9/11, the Super Bowl - America’s biggest annual event - has been drenched in war propaganda. The championship of American football, watched by more than 110 million Americans, the Super Bowl has become an orgy of flag-waving exhortations to “support the troops” who are allegedly defending what remains of the Americans’ freedom.

This year’s Super Bowl was different.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2014 13:38)

Change.org: `I told a lie that put my dad in prison... `

Petitioning The Governor of NY "Free my innocent father, Daryl Kelly Sr."

(BALTIMORE) - Falsely convicted father, Daryl Kelly Sr. My father, Daryl Kelly Sr., has been in prison since 1998 for a crime he never committed - based on a lie I told. When I was just 8 years old, my drug addicted mother forced me to make an accusation of sexual abuse against him. But the truth is that my father had never laid a finger on me.

Even my mother has admitted she forced me to lie about this during one of her drug binges. But my father is still in prison, 15 years after being wrongfully convicted.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2014 00:07)

NY Mayor Tells AIPAC: `Part of my job description is to be a defender of Israel`

The mayor says he feels a “special obligation” to support Israel.

(CHICAGO Mondoweiss) - NY Mayor Bill de Blasio My goodness. Here’s a tape of NY Mayor Bill de Blasio praising Israel at a closed-door function for the Israel lobby group AIPAC in Manhattan last night, reported by Sally Goldenberg of Capital NY.

De Blasio said that the U.S. should boycott Saudi Airlines, and that the Israeli-Cornell campus that his predecessor Michael Bloomberg set in motion in NY is “an extraordinary transcendent development” that will go forward under his administration.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-19-2014 14:54)

Reinvestigate 911: New Play: `We MacBeth`

Evening shows at 7:30pm from Tuesday-Sunday, matinee shows on Sunday at 5:00pm.

(LONDON) - 9/11 in New York City If you follow Reinvestigate 911, it will probably come as no surprise that many are beginning to think the US is a semi-democracy at best, with key events like the Kennedy assassination and 911 manipulated if not instigated by criminal networks at the top of the food chain.

A new play, written by an anonymous Washington insider tackles the big question: is there a link between some of the key events of the post World War Two world.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley
