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Feb-24-2016 22:43printcomments

Saudis Force Malaysian Judiciary to Vindicate Prime Minister Razak for Corruption Charges

Human rights activists accuse Razak's administration of persecuting ethnic and religious minorities and simultaneously propagating intolerance and radicalism.

Najib Razak
6th Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak.
Photo courtesy:

(KUALA LAMPUR) - Malaysia's political scene has been in upheaval over human rights violations in this Southern Asian country. A sinister web has been unraveled showing numerous financial crimes among the senior officials of Prime Minister Najib Razak's administration

Although Amnesty International's latest annual report clearly points to widespread human rights violations, and despite the attorney general's earlier accusations against government-owned companies—mostly under Mr. Razak's dominion — allegedly embezzling public funds; the Malaysian judicial system acquitted the 62-year-old Premier of all the charges laid against him.

In the meantime, the Malaysian media outlets leaked secret information regarding Saudi involvement in exonerating PM Razak from all criminal offences.

In recent months, numerous allegations of corruption and financial misconduct have been made in connection to Prime Minister Razak.

In the first half of year 2015, it was rumored that the Saudi regime offered Prime Minister Razak $681m on the eve of 2013 parliamentary election. This was later corroborated by Malaysia’s anti-graft agencies.

In addition to financial corruption, human rights activists accuse Razak's administration of persecuting ethnic and religious minorities and simultaneously propagating intolerance and radicalism.

Whereas dozen of institutions funded directly by the Saudi regime freely spread Wahhabism, religious intolerance and extremism, a major wave of repression has been orchestrated against Malaysia's Twelver Shia community--particularly after the 2009 elections when Najib Tun Abdul Razak took office—and there are also reports of tens of thousands of Malaysian citizens arrested and imprisoned for merely practicing the Shia faith.

Human Rights organizations published graphic images showing torture, forced confessions, among women, and children detainees as a result of commemorating Shiite ceremonies.


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