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Salem-News.com (May-07-2014 09:25)

British Soldier Persecuted, Institutionalized for Discussing Common Law Arrest Warrants Against Elizabeth Windsor

Cunningham reported the existence of the standing arrest warrant against Windsor for crimes against humanity.

(STAFFORD, England) - Elizabeth Windsor Vivian Cunningham, a serving soldier in the Irish Guards Regiment in Aldershot, Hampshire, has been detained, institutionalized and drugged against his will for mentioning to a senior officer the Common Law arrest warrants against convicted felon Elizabeth Windsor (aka "Queen Elizabeth").

Cunningham has been detained without consent for 6 months.

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Salem-News.com (May-06-2014 20:47)

911 Was an Inside Job ``Impossible to Conceal,`` - Vladimir Putin

First published by RT in 2011 during less tense times, this article and associated video offer keen insight into what some call, the greatest American deception...

(MOSCOW RT) - WTC 7 Claims that the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were orchestrated by US intelligence agencies are "complete nonsense," Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told attendees of a youth forum.

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Salem-News.com (May-06-2014 12:13)

The Clock in Albuquerque Strikes Midnight

“This level of unjustified, deadly force by the police poses unacceptable risks to the Albuquerque community,” the DOJ wrote to Mayor Richard Berry

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Police line A turbulent week in New Mexico’s biggest city climaxed on Cinco de Mayo with a historic citizen takeover of an Albuquerque City Council meeting, as a deepening governance and justice crisis kept testing the meanings of democracy, public safety and the rule of law in the United States of the early 21st century.

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Salem-News.com (May-06-2014 12:05)

USA Today Reveals VA Treatment Records at Fort Collins Were Falsified

The Medical Inspector's probe in the Fort Collins case could not confirm that patients had been harmed "due to the lack of specific cases evaluation."

(WASHINGTON DC USA Today) - US soldier A VA investigation of one of its outpatient clinics in Colorado reveals how ingrained delays in medical care may be for an agency struggling to rapidly treat nearly 9 million veterans a year amid allegations that dozens have died because of delays.

Clerks at the Department of Veterans Affairs clinic in Fort Collins were instructed last year how to falsify appointment records so it appeared the small staff of doctors was seeing patients within the agency's goal of 14 days...

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Salem-News.com (May-06-2014 10:30)

Rudy Guede: The Forgotten Killer

Raffaele and Amanda’s Inviolable Rights and their “Right To Be Heard In Court,” as defined by Article 2 and Article 24 of the Italian Constitution, have been systematically trampled because of the Judicial Truth set down in Guede’s trial of 2009.

(ROME) - Meredith Kercher Tragically Meredith Kercher is dead because of official incompetence and pandering to a well-connected killer. The Perugian authorities have shamelessly deceived the Kercher family since 2007. “The Forgotten Killer” reveals how star prosecutor Giuliano Mignini, aided by police officials, broke laws to wrongly accuse Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito of the murder.

Learn how they concealed Guede in the shadows while distracting the media with a sordid tale of Sex and Murder.

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Salem-News.com (May-06-2014 10:07)

United We Stand and Shout and Dance and Make it Better

The Constitution was not intended to give rights to corporations or to equate bribery with the protected act of free speech.

(WASHINGTON DC) - United We Stand Los Angeles I'm looking forward to speaking on Saturday, May 10, at the United We Stand Festival in Los Angeles where dozens of speakers and musicians will be standing together against such evils as:

"the PATRIOT Act, NDAA, NSA, war on drugs, drones, ... war, GMO, .. central banks, corporatism," and in favor of "Internet freedom, election reform, honest media/music/art, education/student leadership, the environment, ...."

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2014 14:39)

U.S. Claims of Nuclear Weapons Retirement, Dismantlement ``may be misleading`` GAO

According to GAO, any eventual retirement of warheads retired under New START is now contingent on the successful completion of 1) planned warhead modernization programs (i.e. Life Extension Programs, LEPs) and 2) successful acquisition of new warhead production capacity and infrastructure.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Nuclear weapons Yesterday the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released the results of a two-year audit of Obama Administration efforts to meet nuclear warhead dismantlement goals, a responsibility of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2014 00:27)

Woman Falsely Convicted of Sex Crime and Set Free Talks to Tim King About Oregon Justice

Lucinda Hites-Clabough, says Oregon needs an Ombudsman to oversee the integrity of district attorneys, judges and even the attorney general. A similar program was launched in Washington in the late 90's.

(SALEM) - Lucinda Hites-Clabough Lucinda Hites-Clabough is a school teacher who was falsely convicted of first-degree sexual abuse, and later had her conviction overturned.

Her case is one of many in Oregon that involves a legal system that insiders say, has no check or balances. Years of official corruption clashed with a gross lack of skills in determining an actual suspect from a contrived one, today define Oregon's justice system.

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Salem-News.com (May-01-2014 14:22)

Salem-News.com Writer Joins Zohydro Opponents Protesting FDA-Approved Drug

“The FDA has to be swept clean from the top to the bottom. It is corrupt,” said Marianne Skolek of Myrtle Beach, S.C., who writes about the pharmaceutical industry for Oregon-based Salem-News.com.

(BOSTON) - Mass. state house rally Activists rallied Tuesday against Zohydro, a new painkiller Gov. Deval Patrick attempted to ban before being rebuffed by a federal judge.

The “Massachusetts Says No to Zohydro” rally included the AFL-CIO, Learn to Cope and the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery.

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Salem-News.com (May-01-2014 13:04)

Construction Spending Edges Higher in March as Housing and Private Nonresidential Categories Rise but Public Outlays Drop

End to Harsh Winter Should Lead to Further Gains in Private Construction

(ARLINGTON) - Construction crew Total construction spending remained in a holding pattern in March as strong gains in apartment construction and modest growth in homebuilding and private nonresidential activity offset falling public outlays, according to an analysis of new Census Bureau data by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC).

Association officials noted that the construction spending figures may get dramatically worse unless public officials act urgently to maintain federal highway funding.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley
