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Aug-14-2012 22:23printcomments

Solving 911 - A Review

I am in Bollyn's camp but for reasons beyond his bigoted research.

911 in New York

(ST AUGUSTINE, FL) - I became acquainted with author Christopher Bollyn over a decade ago when he misused my research on the Ginossar scandal. If you recall, Yasir Arafat stole over $300m from his people and put it into Swiss bank accounts with the help of Israel's PLO liaison, Yossi Ginossar. By the time Bollyn had abused my research, Israel made Arafat steal the dough. When, livid, I confronted him about the exploitation, he replied to me, "How could Arafat use that kind of money from his hovel in Gaza?" Those are the kind of ethics that are in the back of my mind as I review his new book, Solving 9-11. (

Bollyn is a writer for deeply anti-semitic journals like Spotlight and The American Free Press. The opinions of his book, that Zionists were the force behind the 9-11 disaster, are becoming near gospel in the extreme Right community. You'd better not ignore them or risk facing a horrible future for Jews, because he is not completely wrong.

Yes, you heard me.

But he does the classic deadly spin, blaming all Zionists for the questionable behavior of one group, Labor Zionism. What he forgets is that their opposition, the Irgun, were expelled from the Zionist movement in the thirties and fought a civil war with the Labor Zionists until the late forties. Or that barely 10% of today's Israelis support Labor Zionism or their values. Or that Labor Zionism has declared a new war against the different Zionism of the religious Jews and has brutally expelled thousands from their homes. Nope, to Bollyn all Zionists are cut from the same cloth, are lumped together in one murderous pile, and 9-11 was thus, a Jewish crime. And so, despite some serious research within, Solving 9-11, is classic hateful anti-semitism and should be rewritten or seriously re-edited, lest it never be taken seriously.

And parts of it should be. Bollyn accuses all Zionists of fomenting a false flag event on 9-11 in order to get Arab terrorists to take the rap. That led immediately to American troops in Afghanistan, followed by a little delay, with an attack on Iraq. That, according to the author, was the Zionists' plan, to get America and its allies to fight its foes for Israel. To prove this is old Zionist tactics, Bollyn begins with the attack on the Liberty:

    "I had also studied the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and had seen how the US government had covered up the truth of the Israeli military attack on the unarmed Navy vessel off the coast of Egypt in 1967."

    I had also studied the Liberty attack and reached a different conclusion:

    During the attack the U.S.S. Liberty continually called the 6th fleet which was nearby begging for air support. Two groups of fighter aircraft were sent to defend the Liberty but unbelievably they were recalled by the White House. The Admiral in Command of the sixth fleet called Washington to confirm the recall order. Secretary of Defence MacNamara came on the line followed by the president himself who told the Admiral, "I want that G D Ship going to the bottom" Finally after 3 hours into the attack a Russian spy ship appeared so the Israelis withdrew because there were witnesses allowing the Liberty to limp home to safety. Here is what really took place. President Johnson had personal control over the ship, made a backroom deal with Israel to attack it with an order to kill everyone on board. Then the attack was to be blamed on Egypt and U.S. would enter the war and take over the entire Middle East beginning with the pro-SovietNasser.

      To further prove Israel uses terror to get its way, Bollyn utilizes the Mossad chief Isser Harel's Damocles Operation of the 60s, which he writes was,

"A terror bombing campaign to threaten German scientists and prevent them from helping Egypt develop its defence systems." No, Chris, it was an operation to stop Nazi scientists from developing a guided missile system aimed at Israel. It worked and was proven legitimate. But Bollyn uses it as a segue to Harel's supposed planning of 9-11 way back in 1980:

      On Sept. 30/01, Michael Evans, recounted his meeting with Harel in 1980. He asked him if terrorism will strike America and he answers in the affirmative. "It's likely they will strike the Empire State Building, a symbol of your power." And from this bit of speculation, Bollyn builds a broad conspiracy. Harel gives the plot away in 1980, Netanyahu furthers the aims with his appeal to wage war against Israel's foes throughout the decade, while the plan comes to fruition throughout the '90s when all the players are gathered together to play their roles. Now Bollyn throws punches in all directions, meaning some will hit. Try to follow his logic as he names the highest level fellow conspirators:

"Shimon Peres has the credentials of a Zionist arch-terrorist. Furthermore he has the record and worldview, and the capability to be an architectural level planner of 9-11."

"I discovered Olmert had visited New York on the eve of the 9-11 terror atrocity...Why wasn't his visit reported in the media?"

"In March 2001, Ehud Barak came to America...His assignment was to oversee the preparation for the terror attacks of 9-11...Barak needed to arrange the production of an advanced form of super-thermite, an extremely powerful explosive produced using nanotechnology."

Now, I am in Bollyn's camp but for reasons beyond his bigoted research. I say this as objectively as possible. I did the original research. It has never been disproved nor will it be, I stand by it and always will. Peres organized the murders of Rabin, Sharon, Eitan, Zeevi, all right wing politicians who stood in his way of "peace." His "peace" center, as its first order of business in the 90s was to fund nanotechnology. Barak arrived in Washington to oversee the murder of JFK Jr., the publisher exposing the real Rabin murder to America. And Olmert's co-Treasurer of the Likud Party of the late 80s, Menachem Atzmon was too close to 9-11 for any degree of comfort. He apparently was rewarded for taking the rap for Olmert:

    "Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel, went on to become the founder and head of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), the parent company of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and Newark on 9/11.

Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm headed by 'former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies.'

Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport."

And I had further confirmation that the planes couldn't have brought down the WTC from one of its architects, Aaron Swirki, of Netanya, who wrote me: "How could jet fuel have caused the collapse? We had a sprinkler system on the roof to douse a fire caused by a 707 crash. Besides, the fire was out for over an hour before the buildings collapsed."
Once collapsed, the coverup began with Bollyn's all-purpose Zionists covering the legal and physical removal sides of the operation:

"Peter Goelz, managing director of the NTSB, the federal agency that investigates air crashes...personally supervised the mysterious crash of the young JFK Jr.'s plane off the coast of Cape Cod."

"Maurice Greenberg, is head of the insurance giant A.I.G. The first plane that struck the World Trade Center flew straight into the secure computer room of Marsh, a company run by his son Jeffrey."

"To broker the scrap deal with the Asian mills, Hugo Neu had created a global trading division, headed by ferrous metal trader, (the presidentially pardoned) Marc Rich."

"From Michael Chertoff, the senior official responsible for investigating and prosecuting 9-11, to the Mossad-controlled traders and owners of the New Jersey junkyard that managed its destruction, the steel passed from one Zionist agent to another until it was completely destroyed in the furnaces of Asian steel mills."

And the conspirators' names keep rolling from Bollyn's book. Michael Goff was the marketing man who sold Ptech software to the FAA and rigged the planes to crash into buildings. It was through Jeremy Kroll that the Mossad gained control of security at the WTC. And Arnon Milchan arranged the advanced super-thermite used to bring down the buildings. Of Milchan, Bollyn writes: "Israeli authors who are close to Milchan say that he and Shimon Peres are strategic partners and holders of some of Israel's most significant secrets."

I know 9-11 was an inside job. The most blatant clues are sheer giveaways. WTC leasee Larry Silverstein signed his takeover of the property in July 2001 with a double indemnity clause that gave him seven billion dollars if the buildings were felled by terrorism. Lucky Larry. And when UA 93 was felled in Pennsylvania instead of crashing into Building Seven, and with fire marshals threatening to discover the explosives within, at 5:20 PM, in the smoldering shadows of Buildings 1 and 2, Larry "pulled" the 47 storey Building Seven in a perfect controlled demolition. So how did he engineer that in an afternoon?

     I could imagine tracing all the Protestants involved in the attack beginning with the President. But Bollyn is determined to blame only and all Zionists. He almost goes down an honest evidentiary path but back he comes accusing all Jews and Israelis for 9-11. "The strategy was first articulated by the extreme right-wing politician Binyamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party in 1980." Bollyn's ignorance reigns supreme. In 1980, Netanyahu was selling furniture at the RIM company and not formulating plans for 9-11. Within two years, his political career would be thoroughly controlled by the American, Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). Bollyn's all encompassing conspiracy has to have the "right-wing" Likud at its head to fit his point of view. To this end he writes:

     "The criminal audacity of Israel's leaders is not sustainable for the long term because their rampant criminality endangers the Zionist state and its citizens...My investigation has revealed a complex corporate and financial network in which high-level Zionists...have long operated in the United States. Within this network the connections of Zionists to both 9-11 and the current financial crisis can be seen."

During the last Depression, FDR had a similar gang of LABOR Zionists with names like Brandeis, Schiff, Astor, and Oppenheimer, at work making sure the Jews of Europe were slaughtered without interference from America. At the same time, a genuine rebellion by the Irgun to save the Jews was quashed by the Labor Zionists. The religious Jews of Europe were all but wiped out so the Labor Zionists could rebuild Israel in their chosen image. They are the "peacemakers" of Israel today. And just like during the Forties, Israel being run by these crooks faces annihilation.

Bollyn's whole book, beginning with its incredibly uninformed forward, to the quotes from Jewish turncoats like Avraham Burg, Chomsky, Ostrovsky, and Shahak, to the phoney sympathy for the "oppressed" Arabs, to the constant references to his German identity, reads like it was written for the Nazis. He doesn't get it: the "peacemakers" of Labor Zionism bring mass deaths to innocents, but to no one as much as we "other" Jews. We want them out of our lives just as much as you do.


Barry Chamish

Barry Chamish is an author and world-class investigative journalist. He first gained worldwide notoriety with his coverage of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination and the conspiracy he helped to later uncover. His book, the bestselling Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? is an expose which demonstrates clearly that Mr. Amir did not shoot Rabin. His work on this case compares favorably to the research done on the Kennedy Assassination except that Barry did much of the work himself, while it took multiple researchers to prove there was a conspiracy and break down the official Warren Commission Report.

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Barry continues to be a world-class investigative journalist who continues research a variety of subjects. He is now considered an authority on Israel and the Middle East. He is a frequent guest on a number of radio shows where he shares his research. He exposes how the leaders of the "New World Order" manipulate and corrupt the leaders of Israel, steering the nation on a horrific and self-destructive course.

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Dr. Ralph Fancyname, MD, DDS, Ph.D, August 12, 2013 4:40 pm (Pacific time)

"I find nothing convincing in this article and have yet to find anything Barry has produced convincing in any manner." Your opinion is noted.

Mevashir August 22, 2012 9:50 am (Pacific time)

here are my two letters to BCh, whom I knew personally when I lived in Israel 15 years ago:


It's great that you finally are speaking out about 9-11 truth, even if it is 11 years after the fact.

And you may have your differences with Chris Bollyn, but please do not exaggerate them or demean this brave journalist, who like you has suffered physical attacks to prevent him from sharing the truth he unearths.

And I don't believe for a minute you can pin it all on Labor Zionism. I know you do this in order to preserve your dream of a "Kosher Israel" perhaps run by the Likud. But the fact is that "Lucky Larry Silverstein" is a close friend of Netanyahu. And the neocon manipulators are connected to all Israeli elites, of whatever party. It makes no difference, so long as they can advance Israel's national security agenda.

So I think you should be cautious about attacking Bollyn. Many of us in the 9-11 truth community view him as a great hero and courageous patriot. He also is a spiritually devout person, unlike you, the atheist or agnostic, who seems to use religion for nationalistic ends.

So beware invoking God's curse on yourself by attacking this noble servant of Truth.


Dear Barry,

It is true that you are the pioneer of Israeli investigative and conspiracy journalism. But this does not mean that you automatically “know it all” about other events, like 9-11. In that field I suspect that you are almost a total neophyte and amateur. And this is not because you are stupid or unenlightened, but simply because you have not made this much of a priority in your writings.

I would hope and pray that you will be humble enough to learn from the experts in that area, even if you don’t like their political views. They have done some truly incredible research into this sordid affair. And it would be a tragedy is you allowed false Jewish pride to impede the process of your growing enlightenment and re-education, the very things you challenge your own readers about!

Anonymous August 17, 2012 7:09 am (Pacific time)

Mr. Chamish says it's Israeli Zionists who committed 911 and then he changes the subject. SHAME ON YOU BARRY CHAMISH.

M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. August 16, 2012 1:49 am (Pacific time)

I find nothing convincing in this article and have yet to find anything Barry has produced convincing in any manner. Rather than present as a genuine investigative journalist, Barry presents as an unfettered egoist allowed to cast all manner of aspersion sans legitimized proofs. Very disappointing.

Daniel Noel August 15, 2012 11:03 pm (Pacific time)

Interesting article, with a very original and very interesting perspective on the lowest level of 9/11, the false flag operation itself. Interestingly, when the U.S. cover-up of 9/11 and the censorship of 9/11 by anti-neocon leaders are considered, it appears, ironically, that 9/11 is much less a Zionist job than an anti-Zionist job. Details are available by googling "global Platonic theater."

Anonymous August 15, 2012 7:58 pm (Pacific time)

So Irgun, that group of civilian-murdering terrorists, were the "good" Zionists then?

pj August 15, 2012 2:29 pm (Pacific time)

Chutzpah in the face of irrefutable evidence.

Anders Björkman August 15, 2012 12:40 pm (Pacific time)

I do not know who was behind 911 but one thing should be clear. .

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