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Jun-02-2011 15:43printcomments

Setting the Record Straight about Medical Marijuana

Response to Salem-News medical marijuana coverage.

Marijuana plant

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Thing is, you've not even touched more than about 12% of what's wrong with this country's view/perspective/attitude about marihuana, medical or otherwise.

You do speak persuasively but in a rather unaffected way and that's not going to change people's minds. I'm not saying you should rant or rave or get on a soap-box and scream at everyone, but a little emotional content wouldn't hurt.

Also you tend to underplay the corruption of our police, judges, legislators and the legal system as a whole that undermines the use of a naturally occurring plant that carries benefits beyond the belief of he average citizen of this country. There are a growing number of police, lawyers, judges and government officials who are starting to make their own stand against the ignorance and prejudice perpetrated by our own government in it's attempt to keep marijuana listed as a dangerous and unlawful substance.

Know that I've been researching this issue with due deliberation and I'm quite in agreement with you. Not just for your views on the medical marijuana issue but on the use, production, processing and possession of marijuana by supposedly free Americans anywhere.

We need to end this travesty once and for all. I can go out and get so plastered on booze I can't see straight. Drive my car home running the chance of killing not only myself but others as well and as long as I'm over 21, it doesn't matter. I can't legally smoke marijuana for pain, recreation, to increase my appetite lost to chemo and radiation therapy, to reduce the effects of trauma sustained fighting for this country or to ease the effects of glaucoma even though there's no way I can overdose. I can't grow marijuana to produce paper at a much decreased carbon footprint than is used by the lumber industry.

I can't grow marijuana to produce fabric to produce garments at a much decreased carbon footprint than the textile industry. All the while saving enormous quantities of trees while producing substantially more per acre. All the while producing substantially more fabric per acre than cotton. Reducing our reliance on oil for the production of nylon, rayon and other synthetics used today.

The list is practically endless. The benefits from and of using marijuana ridiculously outweigh any REAL detriment the opposition can field. I'm not even going to bother with addressing the lies they've concocted to create fear and distrust among us. AND then there's the benefits of using it in place of substances we're already using that are polluting the Earth, stripping the land of it's natural cover, using way too much land for the propagation of corporations who're so rich they're in charge of OUR government.

It's the corruption of GREED.

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earth August 27, 2011 2:02 am (Pacific time)

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Dr. Leveque June 3, 2011 3:39 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you J. Anthony Carter for your response to salem-news medical marijuana coverate. As the chief medical writer on this subject I suggest you look up "Marijuana Leveque" on your computer. If I have missed anything would you please continue writing articles on this subject.

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