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Aug-20-2008 15:08printcomments

Sex: Men, Women and Pussy Wussies

Sexual exploits of people in the spotlight are judged and persecuted as if their behavior was somehow unique. Sex isn't new, what's to ponder?

US Army personnel help with routine checking and examination of hostesses and prostitutes during WWII
US Army personnel help with routine checking and examination of hostesses and prostitutes during WWII.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - I am constrained by recent stories of the sexual peccadillo's of prominent men including the likes of Presidents Jefferson, Cleveland, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Clinton, all distinguished presidents of this fair country.

I’m not going to be rehashing their impact but writing about something I know a little more about, namely, The Greatest Generation, male and female. The pussy wussies know whom they are so I will leave that to the readers thoughts.

While writing my World War Two memoirs, I came upon the information that Eisenhower, Henry Kissinger, presidential advisor, and even General Patton had mistresses for card playing, et cetra during off-hours. I decided to include a short appendix to my book "General Patton's Dogface Soldier" titled "Sex and the Soldier". It was a resounding hit with dogfaces, swabbies and jarhead marines.

According to the self-proclaimed experts, most of whom stayed home in the U.S., World War Two brought about a sexual revolution to the U.S. and its citizens. This has extended to this day and was helped along by “The Pill”. There were other contributions. Every World War Two camp had a red-light district and they extended all over the world wherever yanks, limeys and aussies were stationed. London had Piccadilly commandos – really aggressive hookers as did Paris with “Pig Alley” commandos, Honolulu, Naples, Italy and major cities in India, Egypt, Germany, etc. You name the place.

The “experts” say that sex is the strongest urge of men (and women) and it does take “two to tango”.

I had the invitation of going to one of the world famous night clubs in Paris, the Bal Tamborin, in the summer of 1945 with my Parisian girl friend, her girl friend and father. I was a private, the only non-officer. The place was full of officers, majors, colonels and generals. All of them had pretty “hand maidens” at their sides. I think all of those officers are gone now but if I had a camera then, I’d be rich.

The G.I.’s brought home about 500 thousand war brides. Some were married overseas but most were not, never-the-less…

A war-time top-secret document indicated that 3 of 4 American veterans returned home more sexually experienced than when they left the U.S.

What I’m trying to portray is that sex relations are literally all over the place in every strata of society and there are very few men (and women) who haven’t found themselves in the wrong bed in the morning. If sex is good enough for presidents and generals, what about the rest of us peons?

By the way, it is women who usually, but not always, have the selection of whom to go to bed with.

As far as you pussy wussies are concerned, keep your opinions about this to yourselves, one of your close relatives has been there.

Got a question or comment for Dr. Leveque?
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More information on the history of Dr. Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of WWII about his own experiences "from a foxhole".
Order the book by mail by following this link: Dogface Soldier If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.

Watch for more streaming video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King and Dr. Phil Leveque.

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Fred February 22, 2009 7:23 pm (Pacific time)

If ya can't be with the one ya love then love the one your with. Way to go doc.

Vic September 5, 2008 7:39 am (Pacific time)

Once again we are treated to another display of LeVeques Karmic degeneration.sad.

Sallie September 1, 2008 2:43 pm (Pacific time)

Pussy Wussie, sounds derogatory and sexist. I cannot relate. To use war to be promiscuous, while wives, and girl friends wait dutifully at home appears boyish and one-sided at the least. I'll bet this promiscuity didn't apply to their little woman waiting patiently at home.

Tim King August 22, 2008 3:31 pm (Pacific time)

Doc, In the last 24 hours here in Kuwait, I have been around British soldiers, Australian soldiers, and one U.S. Army female who is being sexually harrassed by people in her command structure. I had to smile as I read this and I love the title. All subjects close at hand over here on the other side of the globe.

Dan August 21, 2008 8:20 am (Pacific time)

Could be the sex is irrelevant, as you suggest, but the lying, word-twisting, denials are the camel's straw!! Clinton and Edwards and all the others that had sex are normal; but they set themselves out as leaders and visionaries, then lie and twist words to avoid the truth. It is that which is infuriating!!

Miss Thora August 20, 2008 11:30 pm (Pacific time)

LOL I hope the people that need to get this message the most will read this. We've all had about enough whining about who slept with who and the intimate details of other people's private lives. Leave it to their spouses to be their judge for goodness sake. What's it got to do with you, how's your glass house doing?

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